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Student Absence Tracking

The Trusted Platform for School Community Engagement

Immediately Account For Student Absences

Student absence tracking solutions from the Intrado SchoolMessenger team allow parents to notify the school of planned student absences in advance. Parents can do so in several convenient and secure ways: a toll free phone line, a mobile app, or on the web.

Automatically Identify Undocumented Absences

Immediately after roll call, our student absence tracking solution automatically notifies parents of undocumented absent students by telephone, email and text message. Parents can easily acknowledge and explain the absence or report it as unexcused, quickly helping staff identify students who are unaccounted for and freeing up time to personally attend to those potentially serious cases.

Huge Time Savings

The majority of schools using our student absence tracking solution have reported savings of more than 30 to 90 minutes per day! Gone are the days of exhausting tasks like listening to absence voicemails, or combing through various attendance notes and parent emails or manually calling parents to find out if their child is legitimately absent, or worse, missing.

No More Busy Signals

If parents choose to call in their absence report, we take their call using a dedicated toll-free number for your district, freeing up your phone lines for staff needing to make outgoing calls.

Faster, Easier, Safer

To learn how our student absence tracking solution can save you time and help make students safer, simply fill out the form below and request more info.